Monday, October 20, 2014

The Scrambled States of America

The Scrambled States of America is a book by Laurie Keller. It is a book about talking states. 

One day, on a regular old morning, every state was having their first cups of coffee and reading the morning newspaper.

Everyone but Kansas was happy. He was not feeling happy at all. The reason why he isn't happy is that he is just bored. He just sits there everyday and doesn't do anything. 

Suddenly, he came up with a great idea. He said to have a party and invite all the other states. 

So Kansas and Nebraska's neighbors, Missouri and Iowa, helped set up the party. They sent out invitations. They blew up balloons and hired a band.

Finally, the party was on. Iowa was in charge of the coats. Illinois and Missouri passed out name tags for each state to wear. The foods that they brought are California Fruit Salad, Iowa Corn, Louisiana yams, Boston Baked Beans, Idaho Potatoes, Minnesota Peas, Georgia Peach Pie and New York Cheesecake.

Then Virginia and Idaho suggested that if states want to switch places and go to a different part of the United States, they can!

So after that everyone ran straight home to pack. The United States then became mixed up. Kansas switched places with Hawaii. Wyoming switched places with Alaska. Florida switched places with Minnesota.

After a couple of days the excitement had died down. Florida was really cold. Minnesota got a painful sunburn. Alabama and New York and Indiana, who took California's place, were bothered by an annoying rumbling earthquake sound that kept them up all night.

California was bothered by cheese. Arizona, who had traded places with South Carolina, was upset because the ocean waves kept ruining her hairdo.

The worst thing was that Kansas switched places with Hawaii. He was stuck in the middle of the ocean and he felt lonesome and seasick. He wrote a song about his guitar being so soggy and he felt so blue.

So everyone packed up again and went home. Illinois needed one airline ticket to Illinois. Colorado walked on mountains home. Florida and Louisiana went in a car. And Illinois went by plane. California also went by plane. Indiana went on a skateboard. New York took a taxi. And North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Ohio went on a bus. Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maine went by car. Montana and Oregon went on a motorcycle. South Dakota went by bike.

In the evening, everyone was back where they were supposed to be. Everyone from A to W was talking about the new experiences and brought some things from where they visited. California brought Nevada some cheese. Idaho brought Oregon and Washington some corn from Iowa (it's a little soggy). Georgia won a ten-dollar bill for Florida in Las Vegas. New York and Michigan were laughing about a shirt that says "My friend traded places with California and all I got was this stupid t-shirt". Maine brought some peaches from Georgia to Vermont and New Hampshire. 

I liked this book because of the names of the foods, such as Georgia Peach Pie and Louisiana Yams. It was weird that they switched places. In a few of the places there was a penny that said things like "oh dear" and "I knew this was a bad idea". Plus, there is a disc in the back. That is all I have to say.

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